We offer several programs within the area of Service and Maintenance. These include Detailed Audits (Surveys), Preventative Maintenance programs, Corrective Maintenance, and Repair Maintenance.
Corrective Maintenance is typically an extension of a preventative maintenance contract however can be combined with audits as well. As Service Technicians perform their required tasks, they normally run into areas with parts that are showing signs of wear and fatigue. Sometimes parts are even at a point of failure where a catastrophic breakdown is about to occur (good thing you purchased a preventative maintenance contract!). These findings are documented in either the audit report or preventative maintenance report and forwarded to the owner. Typically the owner will then have the Service Technicians return and make the necessary corrective repairs.
Systems from time to time require downtime maintenance. These are typically major repairs that require a large number of resources and are conducted over a short period of time (i.e. holiday shutdown). Normally it is not practical for a company to staff a maintenance crew large enough to support those types of projects. The prudent alternative is to allow a contractor to come in and either take the lead on those projects, or provide support for the on-site maintenance crew.Best Industrial Group is your ideal contractor for those types of projects. We have an extensive inventory of tools and equipment, and out staff of Service Technicians have a wide range of expertise ranging from welding to pipe fitting, and rigging to on-site fabrication.
We provide a detailed survey of your conveyor system. Surveys typically highlight existing problematic areas and warning signs of upcoming problematic areas as well. Warning signs include worn or outdated parts. The survey includes a written report documenting our findings and recommendations.
Best Industrial Group has available preventative maintenance programs that are designed and tailored to your specific needs. History shows regular scheduled preventative maintenance ensures minimal system downtime, maximum equipment life, and is instrumental towards achieving the calculated payback period of the initial system investment. In addition it reduces the need for excessive on-site maintenance staff.Simply put; a preventative maintenance program guarantees the owner the attention and service a system requires for optimal performance.